Saefthinge nature center - In the nature center outside the dykes, the landscape is shaped by the dynamics of ebb and flow. The creeks, swallows and salt marshes provide unique natural values and spectacular nature experiences.


The current landscape consists of different layers, namely that of the natural subsurface, the umbrella networks and human land use, all of which enter into a different relationship with the trinity: Agriculture, nature and industry. The ambition for the Groot Saeftinghe Border Park is to bring more balance in the play of forces between these three in the future.

In collaboration with regional stakeholders and governments, we have come to the first part of the cross-border Area Agenda. In this, maps and visualisations support the foundation of identity, positioning and the spatial concept as a guideline for the development of the Border Park Groot Saeftinghe.



Bird’s eye view shows the intended reception gates of the area.With, among other things, Antwerp as a water gate.The main axes are the development axes for recreation and entrepreneurs.


THe 3 layers

Click on the maps to enlarge.

Layer 1: Contrasts and connections

Layer 2: Green blue network

Layer 3: Icons and lines of force



Overview of the Park Hart of Grenspark Groot Saeftinghe,in which, among other icon projects, the optimum experience of the trinitynature, agriculture and industry takes place.